Entries by Rosalie

My Last Surgery Will Be a Lobotomy

I’m slated to have surgery soon on a particularly nasty fistula/hernia in a particularly unpleasant place (pelvis,butt). There’s a chance it won’t happen as I have an unusually nervous-about-lawsuits-PCP. She’s already expressed concern (liability risk) about my possible death on the table if she clears me. Sigh. While it’s frustrating (anger-producing) to have that possible decision […]

Learning Is As Learning Does

Good God! What a year, what a lifetime. In so many ways I’ve been incredibly blessed throughout. Trouble in the Middle East and what feels at times like a narrow escape out of it. Surviving my dysfunctional family of origin with reasonable wit, occasional depression, and believe-it-or-not optimism (which at times seems like a friggin […]

Sonoma Coast and the Villas

To sleep perchance to dream… I love the wondrousness of the Sonoma Coast. It is earthy, dramatic, lush and raw. It shows off significant rolling hills, incredible trees, stunning bays and an incomparable freshness. Having made a number of day trips, I’ve also stayed in a variety of lodging experiences when overnighting in the area. […]

I Dreamed of Park City

If perfection does indeed exist, I think I may have found it in the little town of Park City, Utah. After a recent visit there I have clearly been smitten…as in dreamy, dewy-eyed in love. Similar to Salt Lake City, I found Park City to be incredibly clean. No trash that I could see and […]

The Great Salt Lake City

It was a sisters’ week in Park City, Utah. Glorious, mostly sunny with hints of rain, food-filled and sight-seeing galore. We were glutted on it, which I will write about later. But the earth-moving, mind-arresting and spectacularly surprising day for me was the trip to Salt Lake City.  Now, the Mormons have a unique and […]

Pet Me

I had a fish. Bruce! Golden and lively until of course he wasn’t. A friend blessed me with him for my birthday earlier in the year, much to my delight. He started out bold, all busy-like as if he had tremendous purpose swimming around his aquarium on a mission.  As the days and weeks passed, […]

The Birds of Bainbridge Island

Bird #1 (excerpt from book manuscript) Carol. She was a tall woman, possessing a kind of gleam to herself, an energy with twinkly eyes and no small amount of innocence, oddly enough. In a self-possessing sort of way she carried her naïveté on her sleeve at times, right along with her highly intelligent mind in […]

All Of A Sudden

How is it that one can feel such gratitude in a moment followed by immense sorrow? The whole slow leak of a body, and dare I say, perceived sense of human spirit, is almost interesting when you just observe it. And yet to be swallowed in a moment’s mood can be equally disorienting, confusing.  Is […]

Hope Comes As a Prayer

To be tired, truly tired is an awful and overwhelming feeling. It swamps you leaving a feeling of disorientation and rudderlessness, at least for a time. While I believe one can recover from the state, the shock of its very occurrence has a lingering effect much like a bad odor impossible to completely eradicate. Ultimately, […]

Stumbling Towards Nirvana

When I was a little girl, I remember playing under an evergreen tree with the lower canopy that allowed for a teepee-like experience. I even imagined (or remembered?) being a squaw in a previous life. Actually, it is not relevant whether it was imagined because the essence of the experience was that of serenity, solid […]