
It is an odd thing, to think you might have peaked in your life; to contemplate however briefly, that the very best, most productive years might be behind you. Odder still, is the acknowledgement that you simply do not operate from the same appetites that once propelled you. It feels strange to discover that just […]

Through glass dimly

Addiction. Don’t let me get started but at this moment I can’t stop myself. I’ve been watching someone loved dearly by parents, sometimes more than life itself, gradually over the years get sucked into the vortex of drugs. If you have an addictive personality, suffer enough unaddressed losses in your life and are depressed, you’re […]

I’d be so incredibly dead if it wasn’t for modern medicine and a few physicians that seemed part magicians as well as excellent doctors. My gratitude is an understatement, to say the least!  And yet, from the tenuousness of intermittent chronic health conditions to the fragility of human relationships, as I traverse through the narrowing […]